Getting Started

There are two primary components with which users of the metlog-py library should be aware. The first is the MetlogClient client class. The MetlogClient exposes the Metlog API, and is generally your main point of interaction with the Metlog system. The client doesn’t do very much, however; it just provides convenience methods for constructing messages of various types and then passes the messages along. Actual message delivery is handled by a sender. Without a properly configured sender, a MetlogClient is useless.

The first question you’re likely to ask when using metlog-py, then, will probably be “How the heck do I get my hands on a properly configured client / sender pair?” You could read the source and instantiate and configure these objects yourself, but for your convenience we’ve provided a Metlog Configuration module that simplifies this process considerably. The config module provides utility functions that allow you pass in a declarative representation of the settings you’d like for your client and sender objects, and it will create and configure them for you based on the provided specifications.

Configuration formats

As described in detail on the Metlog Configuration page, you can create a MetlogClient from either an INI-file style text configuration (using client_from_text_config or client_from_stream_config) or a dictionary (using client_from_dict_config). The text version is simply parsed and turned into a dictionary internally, so the following text config:

logger = myapp
severity = 4
disabled_timers = foo
sender_class = metlog.senders.zmq.ZmqPubSender
sender_bindstrs = tcp://
sender_queue_length = 5000
global_disabled_decorators = incr_count

Will be converted into this dictionary config:

{'logger': 'myapp',
 'severity': 4,
 'disabled_timers': ['foo', 'bar'],
 'sender': {'class': 'metlog.senders.zmq.ZmqPubSender',
            'bindstrs': 'tcp://',
            'queue_length': 5000,
 'global': {'disabled_decorators': ['incr_count']

Let’s ignore the details of the config options for now (again, see Metlog Configuration for the nitty-gritty) and just assume that you have a working client configuration. How might you actually use this within your code to generate a client and make that client avaialable for use? A couple of mechanisms are described below.

Example 1: Use your framework

It is of course possible to simply define or load your configuration up at module scope and then use it to create a client that is then available to the rest of the module, like so:

from metlog.config import client_from_stream_config

with open('/path/to/config.ini', 'r') as inifile:
    metlogger = client_from_stream_config(inifile, 'metlog')

metlogger.metlog('msgtype', payload='Message payload')

However, this is considered by many (including the Metlog authors) to be A Bad Idea®. Instead of creating import time side effects, you can use your application’s bootstrap code to initialize your client and make it available as needed. How exactly this should work varies from application to application. For instance, the Pyramid web framework expects a main function to be defined at the root of your application’s package. This might contain the following code:

from metlog.config import client_from_stream_config
from pyramid.config import Configurator

def main(global_config, **settings):
    """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application.
    config = Configurator(settings=settings)
    with open('/path/to/config.ini', 'r') as metlog_ini:
        metlog_client = client_from_stream_config(metlog_ini, 'metlog')
        config.registry['metlog'] = metlog_client
    config.add_static_view('static', 'static', cache_max_age=3600)
    config.add_route('home', '/')
    return config.make_wsgi_app()

Then the MetlogClient instance will be available on Pyramid’s “registry”, which is always available through the request object or a library call. With a bit more code you could put your Metlog configuration info into Pyramid’s default config file and then extract it from the settings values passed in to the main function. The idea is that you make use of whatever infrastructure or patterns that your application and/or framework provide and cooperate with those to create and make available a client for logging and metrics-gathering needs.

Example 2: Module scope, if you must

Despite the fact that some consider it to be an anti-pattern, there are those who are quite fond of the import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(‘foo’) idiom that the stdlib logging package provides for making a logger available at module scope. We recommend that you consider not doing so and instead making your client available through some application- or framework-specific mechanism, but if you really want to stick to your guns then there’s a bit of convenience that metlog-py provides.

The short version is that where you would have done this:

from logging import getLogger
logger = getLogger('myapp')

Instead you’d do the following:

from metlog.holder import get_client
metlogger = get_client('myapp')

Every time throughout your application’s process, a call to get_client(‘myapp’) will return the same MetlogClient instance. At this point, however, the client in question is still not usable, because it doesn’t have a working sender. Again, the recommendation is that somewhere in your application code you use one of the config functions to initialize the client, which might look like this:

from metlog.config import client_from_stream_config
from metlog.holder import get_client
metlogger = get_client('myapp')

def some_init_function():
    with open('/path/to/metlog.ini', 'r') as metlog_ini:
        client_from_stream_config(metlog_ini, 'metlog', metlogger)

Note that the metlogger client was passed in to the client_from_stream_config call, which causes the configuration to be applied to that client rather than a new client being created.

If you really want to do all of your initialization at module scope, you can pass a config dict to the get_client function. This is a minimal working configuration that will cause all Metlog output to be sent to stdout:

from metlog.holder import get_client
metlog_config = {'sender': {'class': ''}}
metlogger = get_client('myapp', metlog_config)
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